Will FDA regulate CBD - Naturally Mignon CBD

Will FDA regulate CBD

Mignon Young

Will FDA regulate CBD or kick the can down the road?

The short answer is yes and no.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released guidance on how CBD products should be regulated and critics say they just kicked the can down the proverbial road.

According to the FDA, CBD products are considered to be "drugs" under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and as such, must undergo clinical trials and be approved by the FDA before they can be sold to consumers.

The FDA also stated that it is illegal to sell products containing CBD as dietary supplements.

This FDA also said it wants Congress to ultimately decide on how CBD and other cannabis products are regulated.

"After careful review, the FDA has concluded that a new regulatory pathway for CBD is needed that balances individuals’ desire for access to CBD products w/ the regulatory oversight needed to manage risks. We're prepared to work w/ Congress on this matter."
FDA Twitter

This decision was met with harsh criticism by cannabis industry advocates that were pushing the FDA to regulate CBD as a food and dietary supplement.

"FDA has repeatedly disregarded evidence demonstrating safety that is relevant to CBD at the levels commonly used in supplements and continues to rely heavily on safety concerns related to high dosage Epidiolex to support the agency's inaction," said Steve Mister, chief of the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a CBD trade group.

Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock, said the FDA will make sure that therapies for serious diseases are studied.

CBD safety

Some people think this decision is necessary to ensure the safety and effectiveness of CBD products.

CBD is available in a myriad of products: CBD candles, CBD oils, CBD drinks and more.

Overall, the FDA's decision to regulate CBD as a good step forward for the industry. It's unclear how this decision will impact the market and the availability of CBD products.

What will Congress do with CBD? No one knows yet. For the time being, people will still have access to safe and effective CBD products.

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