Does CBD help with PTSD and Stress? - Naturally Mignon CBD

Does CBD help with PTSD and Stress?

Mignon Young

How does CBD help PTSD?

What is the correct CBD PTSD dosage?

Can CBD help with stress from COVID-19?

Ever wonder how much CBD oil to take?

These are just a few of the questions The Laboratory for the Study of Anxiety Disorders at the University of Texas at Austin is trying to answer.

The UT lab is conducting two in-home treatments studying daily dosing of CBD oil.

The first study is focusing on using CBD oil to alleviate elevated stress, anxiety, depression, or sleep problems caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.

"People who are suffering from COVID-19-heightened emotional stress because of COVID-19, to what extent would CBD actually be helpful?" Dr. Mike Telch told KVUE.

The second study is a similar in-home treatment study investigating the effects of CBD oil for those suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

CBD is considered a supplement and millions of Americas use it for pain and stress relief.

However, there are many scientific questions surrounding CBD supplements and their efficacy.

"There's a lot of hype about CBD, but not that much science yet," Dr. Telch said.

Are you interested in taking part in one of a CBD studies?

You can participate from home. The first step is to fill out the online survey.

Web-based Assessment for Determining your Eligibility to Participate in our COVID-19 CBD Oil Treatment Study

Web-based Assessment for Determining your Eligibility to Participate
in our CBD Oil In-Home PTSD Treatment Study  

This is a web screening interview to see if you are a fit for the study. It take approximately 30 minutes and is the first step in determining your eligibility.

If you are selected you will begin logging you daily CBD use and experiences for 30 days.

The study isn't paying participants and is volunteer only, but you will receive CBD oil at no cost.

If you want to help further the science of CBD and medicine and discover more about CBD for yourself then sign up!

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