Let's Talk About Eczema
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Eczema is a broad term used to describe dry skin conditions that cause dry, discolored, itchy and inflamed skin. Some 32 million Americans suffer from one or many forms of eczema.
At times it can appear on the skin as acne-like and other times it causes large patches of scaly skin. Eczema can can pop up anywhere on the body at any time in life.
There is no cure-all for eczema but there are ways to manage or eliminate the symptoms. But the first thing to do is identify they type of eczema.
There are 7 recognized types of eczema recognized by the medical community.
1. Atopic Dermatitus
Atopic dermatitus is the most common form of eczema. It is primarily caused by immune system problems and maintaining a proper skin barrier.
2. Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis happens when skin comes into contact with an irritant or allergen. This occurs with people who work a lot with chemicals or soaps that come into contact with the skin.
3. Dyshidrotic Eczema
Dyshidrotic eczema is an allergic reactions that occurs on the feet and hands as itchy, watery blisters. It's also called dyshidrotic eczema and pompholyx.[/caption]Treatment for dyshidrotic eczema most often includes creams or ointments that you rub on the affected skin. Severe cases need to be treated by a doctor.
4. Neurodermatitis Eczema
Neurodermatitis Eczema is also known as lichen simplex chronicus. It results in thick, scaly patches on the skin, often caused by too much scratching and rubbing.
5. Nummular Eczema
Nummular eczema (also known as discoid eczema) – This occurs most often with senior citizens and is caused either by allergic reaction or severely dry skin. It can be identified by round lesions that weep fluid.
6. Seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis – This one is caused by a combination of genetics, hormones and microorganisms on the skin. It creates flaky, oily patches where oil-producing glands are over producing.
7. Stasis dermatitis
This occurs mostly with senior citizens and is caused happens when poor circulation to the legs causes the veins to swell and leak fluid, causing swelling and skin redness and itch, mostly in older populations.
Eczema frequently flares up get worse in the winter because of the lack of humidity. When the moisture in the air is removed, skin can become dry and inflamed and create uncomfortable eczema symptoms.
When this source of moisture is removed, your skin can become dry and inflamed, resulting in eczema symptoms.
There are a number of factors that contribute to what is known as and eczema flare up.
We created our Winter Itch Butter (unscented and lavender scented) to help with some of the triggers for eczema flare ups.
Naturally Mignon Winter Itch has just two key ingredients to help both with integrating more moisture to the skin and also sealing the moisture in.
The two ingredients are safflower oil and palm oil.
Both Safflower and Palm oil are known for calming inflammation and it also helps to lock down the moisture which makes it highly effective for those with eczema, psoriasis and excessive dry skin. They are also rich in Oleic acid which creates a great moisture barrier from the skin to the elements.
Our scented version with Lavender oil also has some great benefits.
Lavender helps to reduce the itching. Eczema often causes anxiety, depression, frustration and poor sleep.
Lavender creates a sense of calmness and a de-stressor but it also calms down the skin inflammation. The scent can help facilitate sleep, when itching is often at its worst.
If you or someone you care about suffers with any of these skin issues, we hope you will give the all natural approaches from naturallymignon.com a try.